The Toyota 4Runner is one of the only remaining real SUV's on the market...that means it has a true body on frame construction versus those other car based 'SUV's'. Simply put the 4Runner is built for ruggedness and getting off the concrete. The Fifth Generation 4Runner was a complete redesign and deserved a new campaign that keeps it real and not a typical truck-on-mountain-side-showing-off-capabilities shtick (Dam that's a lot Hyphens).
The crux of the campaign consisted of the tag line 'YOU IN?'. What surrounded this were the adventures and the destinations that deserving SUV owners crave for and actually participate in....snowboarding, surfing, climbing, fishing...etc.
My role was atypical of most campaigns in which the Creative Director has a hands off approach. Not only did I CD the campaign with a great supporting team around me, but I also got my hands dirty in designing the 4Runner logo, they typeface, print ads, illustrations for stickers and so on. Below are just a few pieces from the campaign.

ROLE // Creative Director, Design, Illustration
AGENCY // Saatchi & Saatchi LA

Print Ads

Sticker Sheet and Cover up Stickers

:15s for the web as well as broadcast
Facebook Adventure Finder App

Official 4Runner Website